Welcome to the PatientFirst Resource Center
Your headquarters for educational materials, resources, and how to declare yourself a PatientFirst Imager.
What is PatientFirst?
ASNC’s PatientFirst campaign is a multi-stage, multifaceted initiative designed to positively impact the conversation about test selection for patients with suspected or confirmed cardiovascular conditions.
Our overarching goal is to ensure that patients receive the right test(s) to address the specific clinical question important for managing their care.
We’ll accomplish this goal by providing you and your team with the resources and tools to become the best imager you can be, offer support to your referring colleagues, and be an effective advocate for patient-centered imaging.
- Patient First is in ASNC's DNA
- Watch the Announcement from then ASNC President Randall C. Thompson, MD, FASNC, and President-elect Dennis Calnon, MD, MASNC
PatientFirst Imaging initiative is based on the principle that no specific test should be considered a first-line test, but rather every diagnostic imaging recommendation should be based on appropriate use and centered on the patient to provide the best clinical information to guide management decisions. We view this initiative as critical to informing multimodality imaging and supporting today’s cardiovascular imaging professionals.
PatientFirst imaging is centric to ASNC's education, clinical documents, quality initiatives, advocacy efforts, and communications.
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PatientFirst Resources
Nuclear Cardiology Around the World: A PatientFirst Approach
Nuclear Cardiology Around the World: A PatientFirst Approach Watch Now OnDemand! “Nuclear…
Nuclear Cardiology Core Curriculum
The Nuclear Cardiology Core Curriculum (NC Core Curriculum) 2nd Edition, is an…
Video: A Mandate for Appropriate Use Criteria, What it Means for You
A Mandate for Appropriate Use Criteria, What it Means for You David…
Video: Quality Cardiac Testing and the Evolution of AUC
Quality Cardiac Testing and the Evolution of AUC David Wolinsky MD, MS,…